Okay tweakers, there have been some terrible, malicious rumours flying about recently. Some of them have me as the butt. I have heard that people think I have gone to university and drastically changed. Not so. I have heard people saying that I now have a life, HAHA. This both astounds and amuses me. For one thing, yes, I've gone to university, this leaves me with jack all time to get on here but I try my best to keep the NS.com world in touch with the phattness it so deserves and to keep the younger phatties inspired. I do have a little bit of a life I guess but I'm still the phunkin' pimpin' phreakin' boomshankering penguin abuser you guys all know. So stop the talk aye, it's all primo, I love you guys and you guys make up a huge part of my life. Without all of you I don't know what my life would be like. Even though I've never met any of you I have talked to some on the phone and will be meeting a lot of you this winter, keep it real buddies, peace.
~~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~~
-Jesus had 1080's!-