Replying to Kazaa Will Take Over Your Computer
I got this emailed to me, and I checked out a bunch of different sites, seems like the real deal. I deleted all my Brilliant Files, so hopefully that will help.
The company that owns Kazaa, called Brilliant will start using your own personal computer to run their operations starting April 20th, 2002. That means, after that date Brillant will use your computer's hard drive, and bandwidth to do their dirty deeds required to take over the world (well not really, but close). The reason they can do this, is because in the User Agreements (that thing you accept), it's written in there of their intentions. However, who actually reads that size 8 bull shit??? If you pass the April 20th date, and still have Kazaa, the only way to win your computer back is to reformat your hard drive (so basically erase everything and start from scratch)
Remember, uninstall that shit!!!
If you don't believe me, here are FOUR reliable remember you have about 4 days of else your fucked
Also search for this Folder on your computer C:\Windows\Temp\Brilliant
Good friends tell you about the time they nailed that broad....BEST friends reach over, tag your hand, and say 'YOUR TURN'
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