how many of you cheat in school, not like just borrow a homework, but straight up have stolen tests and other stuff like that... without being caught. ever. stories, and explain
I cheat on every test i take, its just how i do it, thats not abnormal... in 10th grade honors chemistry. Id been cheating off this girl the entire year and she and her friends had finally figured it out, so they decided that they were going to catch me in the act, they did and when we got back our tests they go up to the teacher and tell him all about how i cheated off her. So the teacher calls me up and says 'peter, let me see your test.' so i give it to him and go sit back down. about a minute later he calls me and the girl back up and says to her 'allison, peter couldnt have possibly cheated off you because he got 100 and you got an 85' she starts stammering about how she watched me cheat and stuff, mad funny. the best part was that i copied prolly 75% of her test
If you have a 1380 SAT and a 86.71 GPA... what does everyone say? Not good job, not 'O wow, thats awesome!' No, they say things like 'You are an underachiever'
Originally posted by strode420
'it was impressive, sort of like a gay dude taking a cock that's too big for him without screaming'