Replying to NS Has Officially Sold Out
I don't really care about the ads that fly over the screen to be honest
but I remember a while back Doug was talking about the topic of selling
out NS. He seemed pretty concerned about this topic and he wanted to be
very careful with the decisions to keep NS that core site it was. Well
this is a perfect example of selling out to make some money.
Although I personally don't have any problems at all with you guys
making extra cash because I know you put a lot of work into the site,
and I think it's perfectly fine to do this. I just hope that you are
aware that you have sold out. Newschoolers is no longer the 100% core
skiing site that it once was. This could give someone the opportunity
to make the new core site.
What I want to know is: What are peoples thoughts about NS's
decision to be advertising things like AT&T and online surveys that
have absolutely nothing to do with NS or skiing. I'd also like to hear
what admins themselves have to say if they would like to get into
discussion about it.
PS I am not against the ads at all, I am not mocking the decisions
as I would have done the same thing myself probably because life isn't
free. (LOL at having to put these disclaimers on most of my posts on this site from people misunderstanding.)
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