and filming myself. i feel dumb as hell setting up a cam to film myself all the time and working my ass off trying to get recognition. i've been at it since i was 12 and now i'm 20 i'm done. im going to shred for fun. it botheres me not being invited to any events or not being able to get skis simply because of where i live. it's not my fault i have no park and don't get to travle much. my family cannot afford to help me and i can't afford it myself n it does cost for all the people saying u can make it in the industry if u r passionate enough BULLSHIT. i'm not going to leave my family to try and ski bum in an industry where people look out for themselves and thats all. i have won scwag n a pair of skis since i've been a member but in the long run thats nothing. i dont want to get people down but unless u r in the right location good luck getting out there. im not saying i am the best but w/ a little help which ive never got i could def be doing much bigger and better tricks.
here's the last video i had put together and although i will have much more progressive stuff this season im not filming. noone cares i realize this but i felt like sharing.
p.s. cutis bolduc has sponsors and isn't much better then i am(CLAIM) and has had a park to ski all the time and has the worst attitude of anyone i've met . what the fuck?