So like the title says, I was having a pretty fucking good week. I went skiing both days on the weekend. I was getting high marks on all my tests, I even got a sick bong. Then it started to go downhill. I bruised my tailbone in hockey and had to take a couple days off skiing. My dog was getting really sick and my parents were talking about putting him down.
Then yesterday it looked like things were turning around. My dog was doing really well, playing in the snow, eating again, just looking so happy. I was feeling better to so I went skiing. Super sick pow day. Ducked a few ropes to ski a few closed runs and even hit some chest deep patches. So then me and some friends went onto one closed run, everything was so sick. I hit the most amazing pillow line of my life. Then coming mach one out of the line to get to the lift, I hit a ditch. I couldn't put any weight on my foot, so my friend carried me to the bottom (thanks max) and got ski patrol. Turns out I fractured a bone in my foot and tore a ligament. Fucking great, winter holidays for school starts in 2 days too. So for the entire winter break I get to sit on my ass and do nothing. Yay. But wait, it gets better. This morning I wake up to find my dog passed away overnight. Fuck. RIP Cody, 1994-2008.