A couple days ago, someone made a firefox add on to let you use the good old NS search. Inspired, i built a simple greasemonkey script that replaces the search bar with a new one so it looks just like it used to.
For anyone who doesnt know what greasemonkey is, its a plug in for firefox that lets you build your own scripts to modify websites on your computer.
To use this, install greasemonkey in firefox, right click the monkey in the bottom right corner, click new user script, bs the first window, it doesnt matter cause it will get automaticly get changed. It asks you to select a text editor, you will probably go to C:/windows/notepad.exe. once your in the text editor, paste this
// ==UserScript==
// @name NS replace search
// @namespace newschoolers.com
// @include https://www.newschoolers.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
var searchbar;
searchbar = document.getElementById('search');
if (searchbar) {
searchbar.innerHTML = '' +
' ' +
'' +
'' +
Now the search bar will be just like it used to be