Concrete Frame w/ High Intensity Yellow Lens, White Strap and Matte Black Outriggers - 78 shipped
Matte Black Frame w/ High Intensity Yellow Lens, White Strap and Matte Black Outriggers - 78 shipped
Matte Black Frame w/ Black Iridium Lens, White Strap and Matte Black Outriggers - 78 shipped
Metallic Red Frame w/ Persimmon Lens, White Strap and Carbon Fiber Outriggers - 68 shipped
I have 2 Terje Haakenson Signature Frame w/ Black Iridium Lens, Blue/Purple Strap and Matte Grey Outriggers
-85 shipped
High Intensity Yellow Lens w/foam - 55 shipped
Pink Iridium Lens w/foam - 55 shipped
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