This is really going to be my first season in the park, but i'm pretty confident. I live in Illinois so i get to go skiing like once or twice every 2 weeks which sucks but for as much as i go skiing, i think i'm pretty good.
So this Saturday i got out for the first time this year and it was just awful. I was just so terrified of the rails for some reason, i don't know why. I felt confident and everything before, but now i just feel like a bitch. I would go up to the rail and just bail. I don't know if it's that i'm afraid of getting hurt or what. Maybe it's that i don't want to embaress myself infront of all the other people in the park. I built a little 10 foot rail in my backyard out of 2' PVC and i can hit that decently, but when i get into the park i'm just such a bitch.
I'm gonna get flamed so bad for this.... fuck