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Make a Guide To NS for new users?
Posts: 5805
Karma: 936
so today I realized, there is no guide to NS for new users by us, we have the forum rules and what not, but there is nothing telling users about the searchbar, or anything else that is newschoolers.com. I say we all give some input, and then someone (i will do it if nobody else wants to) takes all the "rules" and such, and condenses it into a single piece of reading for new users.
post away
Posts: 3067
Karma: 673
this was posted in the "noob training cult" (which is now dead) by ski_cartel just thought i'd repost it here since more people will be able to see it... (some things he talks about might have changed since ns changed a bit in the fall but pretty helpful stuff)
Here are a few terms that you might be unfamiliar with
Hate: Pretty much what it sounds like, its people dissing you
Flamed: Its along the same lines as hate, usually said when you make a stupid point or statement that was so stupid you are considered dumber than your ski bindings
Searchbar: Probably the best tool on NS, the large white bar right at the top of the page with the big black search button next to it. You can use it to find out if the thought you want to put into a thread is allready in a thread
Cults: A private forum/community within newschoolers where you can discuss a particular interest that may not be related to skiing with a group of people that share the same interest
PM: Also know as private message. You can send a message to another member by going to their member profile and typing the message into the box at the bottom of the profile page.
Pmed is the past tense of PM
Member Profile: Is exactly what it sounds, a profile with information about the member and links to things like their posted pictures and threads that they have created. You can access a members profile threw several ways.
1. You can view a profile of a online by selecting a user name from the online list
2. You search threw the searchbar by changing the search category. You do this by selecting the box next to the searchbar that has the up/down tap and changing it to members then typing their name in and hitting the search button.
3.You can look threw the members section by selecting the Interact tab and then the members tab. Then you can search for a member threw there.
The online list: This is the list of all members that are online. It is located to the left side of the page under the title that says Online. I know its kinda obvious but it manages to slip by some people
Classifieds: A place other than the forums where you can out gear up for sale. The classified section is located under the Interact Tab.
NS radio: A radio station put on by newschoolers.com. You can listen to Nsradio by selecting the Button in the top right corner of the page when it said ON AIR.
GearSwap: Much like the classified section. You can buy/sell ski gear and other things on here. The Link to the GearSwap is located on the top right side of the page.
Mod: Also know as a moderator. These are ns members that have been selected to remove thins that are not appropriate to the site/forum/thread. Mods can be identified by their green colored user names, but be warned not all mods have the green colored name.
Donator: This is someone who has donated money to newschoolers.com. These people are identified by a insignia on the right side of their user name that looks like a dollar symbol. You can donate money by going to the home page and selecting the quicklink the is intitled �Donate�.
Quick Links: These are links that allow you to navigate the site without continually going back to the original category. They are located to the right hand side of the page under the heading �Quick Links�. (Also a bit obvious but i thought id out it in anyway)
Those are all of the ones i can think of right now. If you know one that should be added to this list then go right ahead and add it.
If you have any further questions about any of the information on here you can post it in this thread and i will eventually get to it or for a more immediate response you can PM me.
Nick (ski_cartel)
also for the n00bs when people post the word "bump" in a thread it means bring up my post, this just brings the thread back up to the top so more people read it. there's my 2 cents
Posts: 3000
Karma: 4,664
i get some credit for this thread none the less im glad its here, lets start making links for thizzz bitch
Posts: 3067
Karma: 673
sorry for the double post but there was space in between all that^ ... is this happening to anyone else? maybe its by browser
Posts: 3000
Karma: 4,664
heres the link to scene girls thread, kinda like hot girls thread:
Posts: 3000
Karma: 4,664
heres the awesome chads gap thread, must read for all n00bs
Posts: 5805
Karma: 936
im not sure if we need links to legendary threads as much as we need to give information about them, its much better for people to stumble across these legendary threads. we have to add shit like check the date of the op before you post, bringing up threads from like 04 because you have the same question means you should probably make your own thread. we need to list the inside jokes, and probably add something about sarcasm lol. oh and respect for the OG's
Posts: 3000
Karma: 4,664
word well explain away
heres a quote from Ben. i saw a couple thread pages back
"until you know
bang me like a hammer
i put on my robe and wizard hat
how to get to chads gap from the bottom of alta
and how to butcher tom wallisches name
you are not a true nser "
Posts: 5805
Karma: 936
Posts: 2422
Karma: 139
who is that? I only know a tom walishesnuts
Posts: 3000
Karma: 4,664
who? do you mean timmy walnuts?
Posts: 4228
Karma: 20
Posts: 8630
Karma: 1,561
i don't think we need like a guide. People just learn about ns as they go. Maybe like a list of of things people should know like checking the dates of posts etc. but not one of all the inside jokes. If we make a list of those it's kinda pointless and not nearly as funny.
Posts: 2028
Karma: 174
i think a simple guide would be helpful, just saying things like rules, searchbar before you post, links to the basic repeat threads like what camera should i get, stuff
Posts: 2422
Karma: 139
no my bad i mean jimmy wizzlenuts
Posts: 9824
Karma: 1,404
i didin't see this thread. but i made one in NSG considering most people look there
Posts: 2422
Karma: 139
i wasnt sure if it could rhyme or not, So yeah im talking about tad walnuts
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