ok, lemme start by saying i know WHAT true center is. my problem is that i dont know how to mount bindings on my own yet. im going to learn this season, but im probably going to have to get my new skis mounted by someone else because i wont have learned within the next couple weeks. i had my last skis mounted true center and it turned out very well cause the shop tech knew what he was doing, BUT ive seen some horror stories on this site with techs who didnt know what a center mount was and fucked it all up. SO, for the record, if i want to explain to someone where true center is, what should i say? i understand it's dead center on the ski, but where do techs orient from when theyre mounting? i.e. do they use the mounting line as a reference for where the heelpiece should go? i have moment rubies, and i was gonna mount em like 1.5 back from center or something like that...i just want to know where i should make a mark for the tech.
so sparknotes: is the mounting line on a new pair of skis the reference point for the heelpiece/boot heel? should i find true center and 1.5 back based on that, then make my mark where i want the heel to go?
thanks guys, i dont want to end up with some fuckhead mounting me like 15 back or something