Last week the Los Angles Times reported that U.S. officials and the U.S. formed Iraqi Governing Council are considering employing former crazed Sadam loyalists- Including members of his homicidal secret police- to form a paramilitary force to hunt for the 'Insurgents' in Iraq.
Isn't that a little bit to much Democracy to fast? One of the reasons people study history is to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. Lets take For example; post war Afganistan, where, here we are two years in, and we are using thugs on loan from 'Friendly Warlords' as advance troops. These new partners in freedom have been terrorizing villages, looting stealing, stabbing, and torturing in OUR NAME. Consider the recent case in which U.S. Planes bombed targets- killing several civilians, including four childeren- under the direction of an Afgani snitch, who later admited he was 'just settling an old score.'
So let me put this in terms that even the most RAH-RAH supporters of america should get incensed at: The worlds most powerful nation is being played like a piss-pants bumfight wino by these forign spooks.
It also seems that this 'freedom' and 'democracy' we brought to Afganistan is basicly limited to the capitol Kabul, while the rest of the country is abandoned to chaos and or warlords.
However, heroin fans should rejoice, opium poppy farming has returned to Afganistan in a BIG way.
'Thats cause sidewalls are on the side of the ski' -justinm