Hey NS, I dislocated my shoulder playing in a high school basketball game on Friday and I am going to the doctor on Monday, but I was wondering if you guys and girls can tell me some info about your accidents.
This was my first dislocation. My shoulder dislocated forward, according to the school's trainer. It was not that painful and the shoulder did not move much, in fact to get it back in I just had to lean over at the waist and it went back in.
Some questions:
1. Does it make a difference if you are younger (i.e., underclassman in high school)?
2. I had a little tear in my rotator cuff in the 2006-2007 season due to skiing, but I have been in the gym working out since. Will this effect my recovery?
3. Lastly, is a full recovery possible with physical therapy and possible surgery?
Factual information is greatly appreciated. If you don't have any information to give a bump would be greatly appreciated.
P.S.: I am going to Japan this winter break and I might not be able to ski by that time, so there is my reason to post in Ski Gabber.