it was a pretty fucked up night. We were at this party, we grabbed like a case of beer and walked out. We went to the car, and started to drive home. We got stopped at a light, and it wouldn't turn green, so after beening skippend by the light like 4 times, we pulled out into the other lane, and 2 cars behind us, there was a cop. We go to turn around. Get pulled over. She doesn't have her license. We had just been smoking in the car. And had the case in the car. We spend like an hour talkin to this guy, Almost get out of it, we thought, then he said that it smelled like weed in the car, so he almost brough the drug dogs to use, to find the weed. my friend swallowed like a dub. The three guys in the car were in the back with the beer, so we could have got possesion of alcohol. And my friend that was driving got a driving without a license, possesion of maryjane, and a periphernalia ticket. basicallly fucked up. but really lucky for me. i would have gotten a felony for having my 3rd felony.
fuck boise popo. i hate them so much.
anyone have stories like me? haha