Dear members of NS,
My name is Tim Weis and I haverecently been appointed a representative of a non-profit charity called NogginFodder. Noggin Fodder is an organization I have followed closely since itscreation last year by a close friend of mine and one of his high schoolteachers. Our goal is to raise money through selling high quality t-shirts sendthat money to education related charities throughout the world. We want tospread education throughout the world and we want you to help!
StartFragment50% of all Noggin Fodder profitsare sent to theses education related charities., while the other money goes backinto producing more apparel. Weare currently sending money to The Central Asia Institute, a charity who isbuilding schools for children in Afghanistan. Other companies like UNICEF havealso received donations by us. There is a thorough description of all of thecharities we donate to on our website.
SO, what does all this mean? NS,PLEASE I am asking you to help us out. Please take a look around our website and look at our product line.The shirts are made out of American Apparel blanks, so the quality is exceptional.All of our shirts display thought-provoking designs or sayings, trying to getpeople to think. They are both fun and very interesting. They would make agreat holiday present for the whole family and come in many colors.
IMPORTANT: Since I am a rep, if you enter my last name “Weis” into the discount code box, youwill receive 10% off your purchase.
Bonus: All of the reps are in arace to sell the most merchandise. The winner will receive a cash bonus. IINTEND ON DONATING THIS BONUS TO NEWSCHOOLERS.COM. Please help me, help NS andhelp children all over the world.
Please please look at our websiteand buy a t shirt. The designs are great and will only get better as we areconsulting with 3 graphic designers to produce more designs. If you have anidea, send it to me! Ill pass it and your name along and you could win freet-shirts.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this, all of us at Noggin Fodder appreciateyour support.
Footnotes: Please read this article in entirety, it isextremely important and a good cause.