Replying to Help me out: School paper regarding skiing culture
I am writing an ethnograpy on skiing. the general idea of my thesis is regarding how skiing is more than just a sport and is actually a culture with subgroups, religion, and it defines who people are.
i have some interview questions and i would appreciate it if you answered as many as you would like, but in doing so it would be great if you could reference the question your answering. these questions are pretty basic so they should all be pretty simple to answer.
1. How does skiing make you feel?
2.How would you describe skiing?
- its culture?
-its practice?
3. How does skiing provide for your physical and/or mental needs?
4. How often do you ski? and how far do you travel in order to ski?
5. What is some termonology?(this is being used to show that skiing has its own language, in order to deal with the linguistic area of anthropoly, im going to present it as if it is its own dialect)
6. Has skiing shaped your personality(has it changed you, does it define you)? if so in what ways has it done so?
7. Have you ever been injured skiing? if so, why do you continue skiing knowing the dangers first hand?
also if anyone would like to give some insight on their personal experience with skiing and how it effects you.
thanks for the help
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