Alright im gunna get right down to it and say that instead of going to university this year i decied to stay back for another semster of highschool. upon the first day of school...again, i had a revalation. it sucks...alot. so to make our one semester in this hell hole pass faster me and about 10 other returning kids decided to make up a challenge or rather a bunch of mini compettitions to make what we call the " Mans Challenge" and its been a blast but we need more ideas. so i decied to turn to NS for Help.
What are some ideas? so far we have ( and X is a Complete or ongoing Challenge)
The List:
- No shaving X
- No showeringX
- No swearingX
- No Talking
- No shoes
- Stay awake the longest
- Nub's for a day
- Good hand tied behind back
- One foot ( Crutches? )
- Who can take the most usless shit from a classroomX
- Who can Jersey the most kids
- Only energy drinks
- Who can wear a helmet the longest
- Who can wear an eye patch the longest
- Who can smile the longest
- Best moustach / most rediculous
- Who can go the longest with out using a toilet
- Session: continues smoking of weed
- Who can stay in a jamaican hotbox the longest
- Who can wear a peice of clothing the longest
- Hook up with fat chick.X
- No stairs at schoolX
- Most stolen street signs.X
- Most kisses from random girls ( lips? no lips? )
- Damnit I lostX
- Tagging.X
- Most rediculous stunt at school!X
- Who can wear a thong the longest
Who can eat / drink the most:
- MilkX
- 6 Crackers in a minX
- Hot And Ready X
-chinese food (buffett)
We Need more pls NS halp
Oh and we have a "bitch" contract it states:
The contract:
I ______ ________ ________ of sound body and mind do solemly swear to follow and abide by all the rules and regulations of the Man's Challenge.™ in th event of a loss, I, the competitor, will take part in the humiliation challenges.
________ ________
Sign Date
We Need Humiliations to!