Hey Everyone,
I'm going to try my best to keep you updated on the PC Park this season. As you know we don't have much for snow right now, but we will be opening with a line of 12 jibs and one SMALL jump. You will be able to hit everything in one line. It's a mix a boxes and rails. We are trying to accommodate for everyone with the very little terrain we have open. Here is the park line in order of features for tomorrow:
12' long picnic table
18' single bar straight rail
20' long funbox
16' long square straight rail. Set up a bit higher than the single bar.
Mini-Rainbow box
12' long up box to mini gap to drop to good landing (at least until mid day when all landings will get worked).
Mini Oil Can bonk
10' jump
Up Box to Down Box
Trapezoid Rail....10' up, 20' across, 10' down
Big Round Tube Flat Down Flat....about 25 to 30' long total
mailbox set up like it was in King's last season
We'll get things up as fast as snow allows!