i dont know about everyone else but i think there has been way more whats better blah blah skis or blah blah skis than ever before... i guess its good to help kids out if they give you all thier info i.e. weight skill type of skier height and everything else... but for all you kids who ask.... whats better... and thats it. you are always gunna get suggestions from the people that are obsessedf with thier own skis.. who in turn will actually just tell you to buy the same skis they have ( without any concern of any other skis and how it may preform under the specific person)... but anyway.. thats my rant... peace
You didn't know Capitan planet skied? Well, its all good for the enviroment so...
'By Your Powers Combined, I am Captain Planet!'
The Power is Yours!'
But still Greedlys and Blights trash our planet It's up to us to say, 'We won't stand it!' Raise your voice and challenge your peers Say it's way cool to be Planeteers!