I have noticed all the red names on newschoolers. OBV its people in the industry. I think the best use of these pros, company owners, filmers... whatever the reason they are red - is to have their own forum where only they can post and reply respectivly. Along with this maybe have a sister forum where "normal" members can reply and make comments on original threads by "reds".
The cool thing about this is that reds can comment on reds without all the annoying replys by lurkers an whatnot. Ive seen this done on various poker sites, where pros will comment amongst pros and the info that is provided is indespensible and can easily be applied to skiing.
THe idea comes from pokerroad.com. in their forums they have a RED forum where pros discuss key hands and strategy. dont know if this works as well for skiing as for poker.. but meh.. a drunk idea only wastes so much time.