So im dreaming here while studying Canadian Corporate Taxation and was thinking just how much does it cost to go to AK.
Being from good ol canada eh, a flight from Montreal at best would be $700USD plus added weight for your planks: $100USD (obviously you take your boots on board)
Then based on Chugach Powder Guides newsletters I get, the average price for a week with transpo and lodging would run you $6000USD. You could get cheaper by 500USD or so if you go double occupancy.
So then there is food which is not included...say $50USD a day (your gonna need a good meal at the beginning and end of the day. This involves also a moderate drinking tab (highly unlikely). Total $350USD.
Then this all assumes you have your own gear, if not...start stocking up!
So the tally is with taxes and a cushion (for the pushin): $9000USD
Was talkin to the man himself JP at IF3 and he said round that figure too (cleary Orage or Armada grabs the tab) ya...either your a pro and its covered, you work like a mofo in some high paying job or you win the lottery.
If I missed anything or anyone wants to correct me or just has some input...splurge!