Yeahhhhh that's right, I decided it's time to see who has put their NS stickers to use, and give you free shit for doing so!
I have a contest page already ready to go, but I need some feedback from you guys in terms of details and rules. I figure we let this run until January, that way people have time to get their hands on some stickers if they don't already have some.
In terms of prizing, I could hook up a few prize packs (shirts, lanyards, DVD's, stickers, etc) and a whoooollle lot of stickers for the runner ups. I think the best way to do this is to have categories, such as the Voleurz contest, which you should all go check out right now.
So we'd have one "Overall Winner", along with 10 or so other random categories. This is where I need everyones feedback, as I think I should let you guys choose the categories. So if you got any ideas, post them up in here! I'll let this stay up for a week and then put the contest live.