After a rumble started one good buddy was accidentally smoked by my one friend who completely missed his punch and his eyebrow was burst open. Another friend cut his hand wide open on some ones tooth. And the sketchy dudes at Bangors were leaving, everything was over. My friend now (was his birthday) decided to follow the guys leaving, we also followed because it was just him against three guys going to their car. When they got to the car there was some exchange between someone in the car and the guy on the outside and my friend was bear sprayed. Now blind walking around, we got him the fuck out of there. I made sure he could walk, he couldn't see, I had my arm around him. We flagged down a cop, he took us to the hospital. One friend still had the cut hand, cop told me to stay with my friend who got bear sprayed. guiding him around still in the hospital, he was taken care of right away, but we were still at the hospital from 3 until 5 30.
Everyone that needed it was patched up and we all went home. My face, chest, arms neck hands is still burning (10 times as bad as any sunburn) I can't even imagine how my best friend feels. I don't feel any sympathy for him, he was looking for a rumble but word, he's my buddy, I've gotta be there for them. I don't rumble or fight, but Im going to be around my friends, atleast on the same side of the street as them and behind them the whole time. Anyways, after 3 hours of sleep, I took a piss my cock burns from the spray on my hands. I've taken three COLD showers already, shit still burns. Not my cock, thats fine now, but my arms, face, ahhh. I didn't even get sprayed, just because I was guiding my friend.
any of y'all got good remedies or fixes for pepper spray, mase or bear spray?