I am not too skilled in photoshop and my 30 day trial is up gotta find a working serial number...
bottom=straight to the point
So heres a story. I tore my acl and had surgery in the spring. I missed 3 months of school, had to make all the work up over the summer and do physical therapy almost every single day. I live in mass and the requirements are bullshit for getting liscence. August i get most of my class hrs done for drivers ed. Also i finished up all my make up work for school. My english teacher gives me an F...not to get into it, it wasnt fair and when i added my grades up it actually came to a D. In september i planned with the head master of my school to make up 3 essays and the deadline was oct 10. I spend 6-9 hrs the next few weeks working my ass off writing the 3 best fucking essays i have ever written. Leaving no time to possibly do drivers ed.
I got the grade back 2 weeks ago and he gave me a fucking D+...completely fucking unfair since first term i took TWO out of TWENTY vocab quizes and wronte ONE fucking 2 paragraph paper and got a C- for the term. This teacher is a fucking bitch, he's a dumbass who is incompetent and is lacking awarness to what goes on. I got away with it cause we dont do shit in class he picked his ass the whole time. wow i just went on a long fucking rant..
Yeah so because of all that it ends up i had no time to do driving hours. I am going to this fucking russian driving school and the people there are crazy. I could not get through to them for three weeks to schduel driving hrs. I left voicemails everyother day. mid oct/early nov i go back to finish up my last few classroom hours i missed in august. My first class i immediately ask her to schedule my driving hours. The lady explains to me they are booked through november and i am currently booked for hours starting around nov23 to dec9. Oh and i was eligible to get my liscence on october 2. So im gonna try to get it before i finish hours. (i will get driving hours done, just to back me incase something happens in future)
***If any one can help out get this X out of the bottom part and place signiture in bottom part.
If you are from mass hook me up how the whole dmv system works with this. I think driving schools send info to the dmv. But if i walk in with this shit will it be legit.