Ok, under normal circumstances I would have gotten out the have-a-heart trap and released him into the wild, but I had just gotten home from a 12 hour work day running on 4 hours of sleep and I had to get up at 6:30 to vote today. I just wanted to fucking go to bed. This squirrel fell down my chimney and was making all this noise, knocking shit over and my dog was barking at it every 5 minutes. After trying to calm the dog down I opted for the only thing I had in my room capable of dispatching the dumb fuck critter in my house. I went out into the room, turned on a lamp and saw it perched on the log holder by the fireplace. I took aim and shot a 3 inch dart directly into it. It quickly scampered back up the chimney and I headed to bed with no remorse. Ill check it when I get home.