by besides the 'war' do you mean the on in Iraq or the one in Afghanistan?
Does that mean we can't count that he still hasn't gotten Osama Bin Laden? Does that mean Gitmo is off limits? What about torture, is that still under the context of the war?
uhm, what about that storm in Louisiana, i think that was a bit of a dropped ball, and it doesn't have anything to do with the war... ok so thats ONE, hmm
Can we count patriot act, i mean that one sorta is worth more than one, it's got everything from getting rid of that pesky concept of Habeas Corpus, and then there was the telecom thing where we were spying on americans, but i supose that might be part of the war.
What about no child left behind, that was really shitty, bad policy may not really be 'screwing up' but i'll throw it up htere.
What about walter reed hospital, thats sorta like taking care of veterans after the war?
OH i got another one, there was that scandle with the whole US attorneys being fired, but that kinda was Karl Rove more so than Bush, er what do we do with this one?
Scooter Libby-- purgery?
Not dealing with Iran or South Korea at all, atleast not until after they built up more weapons, tested a few rockets, or built a bit more uranium enricnment labs.
How about Halliburton, or Blackwater, i know you said the war was off limits, but come on KBR cost-plus totally fucked us over.
What about Jack Abermof, Tom Delay, Mark Folley, i'm sure there are others i'm forgetting now
And wasn't there something about him Stacking supreeme court Justices? Alberto Gonzalas bullshit?
Karl Rove has already been mentioned in part with the firng of the Atourney Generals, but I'd like to say him again just in general.
The overal lack of suport in the scientific community -- stemcell, aids, global warming
When he finaly did get around to telling us about the timing of firing Rumsfeild
Pissing off the russians with the Missile deffense shield program
Constitutional Amendment against gay mariage
and on top of all this, he is the president who has taken the MOST vacation time, 879 days down on the ranch - which, if you're into arithmetic, works out to around 30 percent of eight years.
Hmmm i really don't know if i can think of any thing that might have gone wrong over the last 8 years...
i'll tell you the highlight though, was probably when Cheney shot a guy in the face, and the guy appologized to Dick. Ha, good times.