burlington is a sick town, and definitley the place to be for skiiers on the east coast. however, being from burlington, i do not reccommend UVM as a school. lets face UVM, your one of over 10,000 students. that means huge classes, retardedly large dorms and you really dont get that personal touch of a smaller school. not to mention UVM is fucking strict when it comes to drinking/smoking/academic probation. Take a look at champlain college instead, its a medium size school, with a medium size campus that can be found right in the heart of burlington, closer to downtown and the lake than UVM is. not to mention smaller classes, backwards scheduling which puts you right into your major freshman year, and a lot of really nice facilities and staff. Champlain is much more personal and fun compared to UVM. UVM is pretty much its own city, while champlain definitley has the true burlington feel, not to mention there are sooo many less assholes in champlain than UVM