BUT THEN like Georgia ripped it off the next week and lost, then like 8 other teams did it, and now I just turned on Thursday Night Football and Cincinnati is doing it yet again. It's gotten fucking gay and it's not original any more. Also, isn't the point of it to make the crowd look sort've intimidating? Cincinnati has like 8 people in the stands right now, that's not scary, it just looks like a handful of goth kids with super-long chin beards decided to go to a football game for once.
Bottom line: it was sweet when CU did it and whipped ass on national television, but everyone else needs to fuck off with that shit and just let us turn it into some sort of CU football tradition. Nothing you wear to a football game in Ohio is going to make you and your fellow fans look intimidating, your teams suck right now. The best you can hope to do is wear a sweatshirt without your school logo on it so you don't get depressed when you look in the mirror and remember...you're in Ohio right now.