Im just looking to see if anyone else out there is a boot fitter and gets the same BS from customers as I do......I live in Vegas so you have to understand my customers are weekend warriors with money.
Case 1: Nice skis.....lack good boots.
So I get customers comming in buying a $1000 pair of skis, and they bring in their 1980s salomon rear entry piece of shit that BARELY passes testing. God I try so hard to tell them to get new boots but they are rediculous!
Case 2: Boot fitting women
Ive actually had a customer say that it is sexist to have seperate men/women boots! And i don't mean to call women out cuz I have had easy boot fits for women, but for some reason boot fitting women is nearly impossible to make them happy. Its worse if their husband/bf is there cuz they think they know EVERYTHING about boot fitting.....god i fucking hate the husband/bf....
Case 3: Buyers guide enthusiest/bigger sized boot
I hate buyers guides SO MUCH.....customers come in with the buyers guide and ask you to grab that boot, then when it doesnt fit their foot shape they freak out and still want the boot but in a bigger size.....o and "can I get a bigger size?" You sized at that boot size you fuck, you need either a different style of boot or an orthodic!
Those are a few of my rants, anyone got any other boot fit rants? Also, for some strange reason Salomons seem to ALWAYS fit Asians, that phenomenom has boggled my mind lol.