My school is trying to phase out the program which I am currently taking (Business Administration with a major in Information Systems), and as part of the process, courses that are traditionally taken in the fall are only being offered in the fall. Same goes for winter semmesters. Basically what this means is that anyone who started in January is being forced to take a semmester off or have the wakiest schedule ever.
My situation is this, I am attempting to get a co-op placement, and assuming I do, I am going to be doing co-op during the winter, therefore when I go back to classes my courses will not be offered. To further screw me over, in order to be eligible for my final co-op term, I must have complete ALL the required courses that one would TRADITIONALLY do in the time frame provided, which is impossible if they don't offer the required courses.
Normally you would think that the school would make adjustments for students, but I guess since it only affects 7 people (that's how many are in my program) it's just easier for them to make us bend over while they insert large inatimate objects in us.
'That's my cancer wishing face' - yellowsnow4U wishing cancer upon the server that kept us away from NS