I'm interested in whats hip, whats fresh, whats dope. werd
Please fill this out. This isn't a joke, thanks.
1. What would rather wear.
A. Large Logo
B. Suttle logo
2. What would you rather wear
A. Colorful
B. Mellow
C. Depends on my mood
3. What would rather wear
A. Big and baggy
B. Fit and comfortable
C. Slim and tall
D.Small and tight
4. Whats a better place to buy things
A. Internet
B. Store
C. Random guy
D. My mom picks out my clothes
5. What would you do to get your clothes
A. Work at a store
B. Work for it
C. Ski for it
D. Trade for it
6. What's the best thing to wear after skiing
A. Sweatshirt sweatpants
B. Polo and jeans
C. Shorts and a T-shirt
D. Ski pants and tall t
7. Does it matter what people see you wearing
A. Yes
B. No
8. Do you wear tall t's off the mountain
A. Yes
B. No
9.On spring days what do you wear
A. Sweatshirt and a tall t
B. Light jacket
C. Shell
D. T shirt and vest with sunglasses and a visor
10. Do you ever wear anything ski related off the mountain
A. Yes
B. No
11. What's your favorite color. Be specific
12. What's your favorite thing to wear
Ok please fill this out and post it up! Thanks!