Basically I'm super pissed off right now and I need to vent.
Don't EVER ever quit school to pursue a sport. Hopefully this means something coming from someone who did it themselves rather than a parent or something.
In grade 11 I quit school because I made national team. Seemed like a good idea at the time, I could do a few courses here and there by correspondence and so what if I was a year or two behind I was on the national team. Big fucking deal. So what happens when your national team bubble bursts and you find out it's the shittiest organization you've ever seen in your life??? Or that there's more corruption in it than you could ever imagine. And now there you are in a crap ass situation with no fucking education.
So even if you are smart enough to get out of that situation and back into school your a year or so behind and all your friends aren't nearly as cool as they used to be cuz they are a different group of people so you stop hanging out with your friends from school. Luckily I've got some really cool people that have been the best friends anyone could ask for, chris turpin is one of the biggest right now. I'm not adding that to sound all cool like I know the pros or whatever, I'm adding it so you guys know he's a super cool guy too. Anyway back to my point, Your then old and in highschool and it's time for you to be out of the house because you are a completely different person than your parents or parent in this case and you can't because you have to finish high school.
Then to top it off your parent will start to blame everything on you because you are a dick to them because your different now. And then they'll think your a nobody because you quit the national team to go be a 'skid freerider' and party and not go to the olympics and then somehow it gets turned around on you that the bills don't get paid because of you.
Moral of the story is, just finish highschool before pursuing anything else. I'm not a huge fan of education or anything but atleast do it cuz it's way more socially acceptable if you have your highschool education. And if you want to go to university, than by all means take a year off and then go.
Sorry for the emotional moment but I had to get it out sometime.
All will be fine and crap but it's just getting really old really quick.
'That's Nice. That's a nice penis. Hey guys come take a look at the size of this guy's penis.' Some dude to Corey G while urinating behind a Dominos.