Replying to Maybe Some Help
I am trying to get this job as a ski pole and helmet design engineer in seattle, working for k2...
now I know a lot of you little tykes might not know much about the working world but What I have done is:
sent cover letter(sample below) with resume attached
waited a week (did a little research and got in contact with a product engineer within the company and told him about myself and why I really want the position)
sent a thank you email listing some references
Now I really want this position, one because it is K2 and, jea!! it would be a sweet job even if I am not making much money. two because I love skiing and feel an engineering job in the ski industry would be the best career path for me to go, and 3 because seattle is close to some fresh mountains and a great city.
A little bit about me: I just graduated from CU in ME last december and have a little bit of work experience in engineering design, I understand the manufacturing processes involved in making ski's, ski poles, helmets, binding components and I am really good at Solidworks and COSMOS (CAD and FEA software).
The job is still up on K2's career page and I dont know if has something to do with the state of the economy right now but I havn't been contacted yet about this position. I see myself as perfectly qualified for it and if Someone who could maybe help would PM me I would really appreciate it.
Also in any case someone is looking for an engineer to do some work for a start up or existing ski company PM me and I will happily send my resume.
Sry for the wall of Text
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