The hippie generation has tried and yes they failed but that was almost 45 years ago, since then so much has changed and technology has advanced so much, and we all learned from the hippies mistakes. They may have failed, but I think they really just gave some people advice to try again and succeed and finish the job. The government can kill or take down 1000 people but can they kill 1M people marching and taking over. It may sound nutzz but I think it needs to happen, we need to become the change, not barrack obama or john McCain who will be just as fucked up as any other president!
The one thing that ever owned or had control of the government was big businesses but now the government is taking over that to, and once that happens we are all fucked and this country is going to be in a hell of a hole.
Maybe not this year or next year but I think sometime soon are generation is going to have to come together as one and do something right and march for are right and for our freedom.
It needs to happen before it can’t so we can start something and become that generation that everyone thanked
spark notes/ we need to cometogether and stop this maddness like the hippies did, but we will do what they could not and succeed before something bad really happens, enuf of the talk and more of the doing, let's stop the maddness!