08/09 182 Punisher Tyrolia SP130 Demo Binding $350
08/09 172 Punisher Tyrolia SP120 Demo Binding $325
08/09 172 Punisher mounted +3 SP130 binding $350
08/09 178 P3 Mounted +4 SP130 binding $350
08/09 178 P3 Mounted +1 SP130 binding $350
08/09 Sheela 172 unmounted $275
08/09 Crusade 179 Unmounted $300
08/09 Maya 165 Unmounted $275
08/09 P3 Unmounted in Wrapper $300
08/09 Rebel 162 unmounted $250
08/09 Rebel 152 unmounted $250
07/08 Rebel 162 Unmounted $175
07/08 P3 unmounted $175
Shoot me a PM if you are interested in any of these and leave you email. I will email you pics of these skis so you can see them. If you are interested in some without the demo bindings on them, make me an offer. Think my prices are too high???Make me an offer. If you are not familiar with any of the skis just head over to www.scottusa.com and check em up..