So i just visited this college over the weekend and i really liked it, plus it's on the tuition exchange program so basically i get a big discount because my dad works at Bard college. Anyway, anyone have any experience with this college, thoughts, etc... It's only like 15 minutes away from good skiing so that's a huge draw for me. I liked the vibe, it seemed laid back and not preppy at all, plenty of skateboarders, a good amount of smokers(that's the vibe i got), and cool/unique programs and facilities. How are the academics- I want to study psychology and i plan on going to graduate school so i need to know if going here is going to lower my chances of getting in to a good school later down the road. How are the parties? Lots of skiiers(snowboarders are cool too)? Any other info would be appreciated. -Right now i'm looking at St. Mikes in Winooski, colby sawyer, maybe UVM(money is an issue), maybe middlebury(might not get in), and maybe Keene state. Thanks for any help you can give me.