Ive been looking for a new pair of skis for some time now, getting all the ins and outs. But never did i think i would come apon such a discovery.
Before yesterday, i was under the impression that going to buy skis was sumwhat stright forward. You look at the specs, you read the reviews and you deside. But yesterday i walking into a sporting life and have a fairly long talk with an old sales guy. Now some where during the conversation he mentioned INLINE SKIS to me. Now i said what are inline skis.
To my descust he informed me that at sporting life the skis you buy are somthing called an INLINE ski this is a ski that you will see in a SKI MAG and will work the way it is supposto.
Then he descirbed to me DECK SKIS. You see a Deck ski (according to him) is the same skis you see in the SKI MAG. It looks the same it may even flex the same. The diffrence is that insead of it being say the 10.0 it will say the 10.5. What is the diffence you ask, The 10.0 is the one they show in Ski MAGs which are the same ones the pros use. The 10.5s are the same except they have been modifyed by using cheaper materials. Its like buying stake knives. You can buy a $500 knife or you can buy a $5 knife. Now the two knives may look and feel the same. But the one knife will get sharper and stay sharper, while the other one will never be as sharp and will need more amntance due to the cheaper materials. So will the skis all thought the 10.5 may look and feel the same, its edges may be made out of chinese news paper and apple cores while the 10,0 are solid aloys.
Now to us the consumer the price diffrence may only be 20 - 100 dollars. But when Dush bags like Forzani (owners of SPORT CHECK, SPORT MART, FITNESS SOURCE .,, ) go and but their shipment of a million 10,5s the margen is much greater.
So at the end of the day what SPORT CHECK AND others are doing is chaging you 50 bux less so they can make millions. And who loses in the end, Its you, the one stuck with horrible flex patterns, falty bases, edges that dont shapen and so on.
JUSt thought i would see if any one else has heard about the or has anything to say about the matter