So after seeing countless threads ragging on mccain and palin, i came up with a few things that obama is all about, maybe it will change some of ur minds on voting for him, maybe not? I just thought id share some of this with u. Try not to make any arguements, just read it and post ur opinions, and lemme know if it has changed ur mind at all
-voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out of state abortions. personally im against abortions all together, but if i had a daughter and she went and got an abortion and i wasnt notified about it, i would not be happy about that.
-supports affirmative action in colleges and governments quotas. IMO, affrimative action was great for minorities a while back, but cmon now, i really dont think its necessary to give them advantages anymore, whatever happened to us being all equal?
-says he will deal with street level drug dealing at a minimum wage affair.
-admitted to his use of marijuana and cocaine in both highschool and college
- his religious views seem very sketchy, and seems like hes hiding something (which most if not all politicians do hide certain things)
- says after being elected his first goal would be to meet with all muslim nations....why?
- opposes the patriot act
- voted to allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers
- supports universal healthcare
- voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo prisoners
- supports granting drivers liscense to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!? is that serious?
- supports extending welfare to ILLGEAL IMMIGRANTS!? i dont want my hard earned money going to anyone trying to take advantage of our countries system
- voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform
- voted yes on allowing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to participate in social security
- opposed to any efforts to privatize social security and instead, supports incrasing the amount of tax paid into Soc. Sec. yes, he wants to increase taxes
- voted no on repealing the alternative minimum tax which now hits the middle income brackets, another tax increase
- wants to raise the capital gains tax, another tax increase
i just found alot of this interesting, and thought some of u might as well