Here's the story of the 15 dollar Fixed gear.
On Friday on the way to the Reasons premier(sick movie) we stopped by a local thrift store. Thats when I saw the dustiest, grimiest, ugliest, road bike ever. It was awesome. For only 15 dollars I had to make it mine. So we loaded her up and took her home. Shortly after I brought it to my local bike shop, where my friend was working. Together we did work. We took off the broken brakes, removed the derailer, and other cables, took off the moldy grips, tightened the spokes, fixed the rims, inflated the tires, applied some bar tape, shortened the chain, then zip tied the hub to the spokes. I had a glorified fixed gear.
Thats the bike AFTER we fixed it up.
So the next day I work cosmetically. Flat black paint, neon pink splatter, attempt of fixing the seat. And some sweet tape jobs on the reflectors. And through all my hard work I have created the coolest bike ever.
Well Thats the story of my hard working weekend, and I thought I'd share! Later d00ds!