Enjoy a night out at Stick-e-Star with your friends and come to watch Rage Films new ski movie, "Such is Life".
Doors Open @ 7 (Come by and grab some drinks and some food, get comfortable and ready. Play some beer pong on their table and if daring do some shot-skis). It you can't drink, come out and get some free Vitamin Water! Oh, and don't forget the Red Bull Girls!
Premiere @ 8 (Don't be late, the good seats will fill up! And the movie gets rolling!)
$10 at the door, $8 presale (contact Jerad Larkin for presale tickets)
**Purchasing a ticket includes a 1 year subscription to Freeskier magazine ($10 value right there) and also an entrance into the raffle to win some schwag from the sponsors as well as a new pair of Blue House Skis!**
So get there! Buy some drinks & food! And watch one of the best ski movies from the 08' WInter!
*Part of proceeds benefit DU Alpine Club*
http://ragefilms.com/video/SuchIsLife-Teaser-Web.movHang Out at Sticky after if you're 21!