Ok I can get the sth 16s for an amazing price, but i usually just rock my din around 9-9.5. Does anyone know how this binding is gonna respond since thats the start of its DIN range?
Ive worked on the old s912 series, and only mounted one pair of sth 12s in my shop. I dont like the three hole toepiece of the sth 14 and 12 so its either sth 16 or something else.
Im 5'9, 170 lbs., this binding is only going on my ep pros and anthems. o bootsole of 305. (I have a din chart since i mount my own stuff in my chart and Im already considered about a 3+ technically on the charts)
the binding isnt gonna be seeing much of a 10 din, probably 9-9.5 all its life. I have two pairs of rossi power 100/120 axials and I tear up my gear that badly.
Think I can rock a sth16?