What up kids, so I made a thread a while ago about making a company. Well I scratched the logos I had, thank you for your support and feedback on them though, and came up with this.
The ink is metallic on the shirts (blue and silver) and the writing is either in black for lighter colored shirts, or white for darker.
I can do the logo on pretty much any shirt color, and long sleeve/short sleeve.
Also, I am making hoodies as well. (Zip up and pull over, your choice) With the zip up hoodie half of the logo will be on one side, and half on the other. (same with powder and fusion)
I am also in the process of getting some die cuts made, let me know what you think.
Sorry about the picture quality, I am not feeling really well, I'll upload better shots coming soon. I only took it in black with short sleeve, and white with long sleeve. But I can do pretty much any combo of colors and short/long sleeve.