Replying to Why Don't We All Do What We Want to Do?
Is there a reason we don't do what we want to do when we want to? I have always wanted to go on an epic roadtrip adventure with my friends but just never felt it was feasible or that they were interested... Why haven't I done it yet? There is a thread over on TGR (yes I know that is blasphemy here but you should all good check it out) called Best Summer Ever, or something similar. The subject of the thread seemingly has the best summer ever. Obviously each of us has different ideas about what the best summer ever would entail but still his was pretty amazing and puts the vast majority of our summers to shame no matter your criteria. Why don't we do these things that we have always wanted to do? Maybe I am alone in that I have been too focused on progression to actually accomplish some of the things I have been yearning for but I really don't think so. This is going to be way over the heads of most NS members. But I'm talking to those who are in college and above. Is there any reason why I haven't done these things I want to do? What is going on here? Are there things you have always wanted to do but just never got around to? That last part applies to anyone. What have you wished you would have done but never did? Maybe you still have the chance but maybe it was a one time thing.
I guess cliffnotes for everyone who is too lazy is: Why didn't you do something you really wish you would have? And, Why havent you yet done things you wish you still could?
(Heliskiing doesn't count, I'm talking like great experiences with your greatest friends.) Things you will remember till you die and tell your children and grandchildren about. Life experiences that change you in some way.
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