Its not that I don’t love seeing these forum posts (astypically I can help them out) but it might save us all some time if I share afew things I've learned over the years... that you probably already know.
- Check out – not that I am trying to spam the site (anymore then normal) but chances are we have what you’re looking for. BUT NOT ALWAYS. If we don’t have it up you can always check and see if the competition has it. You can check out: or
- Try the Search Bar – That’s the thing in the upper right hand side of your browser window (but below the ad) that allows you to search the whole site. Try phrases like [movie name + ‘Song’]
- Google the Lyrics – Type in a string of lyrics with quotes around them (" ") into Google. If there's more than one verse, make sure they're quoted separately but in the same search. When a search has quotes, it searches for that string exactly
- Use Shazam – Shazam is a program that identifies what is playing by listening to it through your iPhone. I think it’s the better app but there is also a program called Midomi you can try. Both are free and can be found on the iTunes app store.
- Use Tunatic – You don’t need an iPhone for this one. Runs on a mac and does essentially what Shazam/Midomi does.
- Watch the whole movie – Most of the songs are listed in the credits (even the trailers sometimes have the song listed at the end).
- Post a “What’s the song in_____” in the forum - Hopefully some of the omnipotent users of NS can help us all out.
And once you find this mysterious and amazing song then letthe world know so we don’t have to go through the whole process ourselves. …or email me and I will get it up onSMM asap.
(info [at]
Good luck!
Rock on!
...I doubled posted again. SORRY. I will stop now.