Mt_P0wDerJuNkIe, I would like to shake your hand! I was there yestersday and if those were your tracks (in the 60+ degree straightline shoot to 55+ degree tight turn to 45+ degree ice fanning out onto rocks and boulders) you're more badass then anyone I've met. Your driving and hiking times are also crazy. You should become a pro climber with those hike times because its 4 miles of 3500ft vert gain with a lot of bouldering while carrying full ski gear on your back for either trail. Getting in the top of the shoot would require climbing gear.
One would have to ski the whole shoot to get the "1300ft." The single tracks through the shoot looked more than a week old and I know a Missoula diehard expert went this month so I'm logically going to conclude the tracks belong to him. Pictures or video would happily prove this logic wrong. There was no sign of anyone climbing on the snow.
Didn't have an alitimeter yesterday and didn't ski the top, but since Snowbowl is 2600 vert, this shoot and fan could not have been 1300 vert this month.
*****No one should attempt this line without at least two other people along, prefavorably certified life saving peeps, to carry you the 4 miles out if you fall or can't stop on the 45+ degree ice fan before the equally steep death rocks. Cell service is sparse and choppy. Texting works. *****
Also, 2 of the 3 of us who hiked in our snow gear completely declined the line. My EMT buddy passed because it was so steep and icy and he didn't pack his axe and crampons. Snowboarder couldn't get up my bookpack safely without crampons.