so yeah, I was just out longboarding with my friend Michal, and I got owned by the road. true story.
Michal and I were bombing hills for the last 3 hours, up until i was flying down this one hill and flew over a manhole. these manholes, on this road, they stick up quite a bit, like a 1/2 foot. so anyways, i go flying off this manhole and off the longboard and get owned (Michal says "yeah pretty much"). so now i have major road rash on my left shoulder, left arm, both palms, and right knee. AND IT STINGS LIKE HELL.
anyways, crash was total boss. i flipped over and skidded a bit until i came to a stop, then i immediately jumped up and yelled for Michal to get the goddam longboard, while i ran off the road into some grass and started rolling over groaning and bitching at Michal to get the longboard. Michal grabbed my watch off the road and the strap is broken which sucks 'cause i just got it fixed like a few months ago. But my new sunglasses are okay, so it's all good. So yeah, after a few minutes we went to my house and my mom fixed me up with hydrogen peroxide (that stung) and some Second Skin and Band-Aids. Which got me thinking that when I move out I'm gonna need a girlfriend to fix me up when i wreck my body more. Michal and I went back out for a few minutes but got bored so now I'm here with him playing video games and writing this story, AND IT STINGS LIKE HELL. I've had much worse injuries but normally it's something like ripped muscles or broken bones, those really only hurt when you move. this shit hurts just because.
and now i think i need to buy me some gloves and some leathers. so can somebody give me a good recommendation for some sick gear, PLEASE.
oh yeah, i forgot to mention, cool story hansel.