heres my opinion on moderation of cults:
a little while ago when people were complaining about moderation in the regular forums harvey explained that
'its not our sponsers were moderating for, its our members who dont want to see all this stuff cluttering the site and is offensive to them'
well in the cults they dont have to see it at all! in fact even if they join and dont like it they can leave, and u have to go through like 3 pages to get to your exact cult out of all of them so if u went there repetedly u obviously like whats there. thats right u a MEMBER which the moderating is supposibly being done for. So why are these cults moderated?! theres no point in having these cults if u cant post porn and drugs and talk about midgets! the majority of these clubs have nothing to do with being special or elite (except srmc because they just have big egos) they are about posting fun stuff not secret information. We are moderators to other members, we moderate through porn online and find the best and hottest naked chicks and we place them there in our special clubs so jonny blue balls can grab some jergens and a sock and blow a load off while looking at porn aswell ass ski gear and info without worrying about anal slut pop-ups and how to increase your penis morgage finansing in the state of utah.
The purpose of a cult is to innovate not moderate!
this will end up being deleted i know but that just meens the terroist won:(