yo so i got the oakley evo lite in ozone a few weeks ago, and im looking for some new pats to go with them. i have black predatorwear desert fox pants, but they are geting too small, and i want brighter pants anyway. so far the two that stood out to me are the 686 command pants in orange http://www.dogfunk.com/dogfunk/SES0522/686-Smarty-Command-Pant-Mens.html and the analog strategy pants in green. http://www.dogfunk.com/dogfunk/ANL0307/large/Analog-Strategy-Pant-Mens.html?swatch=TET What do you think would go better? sorry for not embedding, im a noob at hackzors. + karma for replies. please dont tell me to think for myself, i already did, just looking for some friendly advice. thanks