Yesterday my cousin gave me her brothers s/n. I haven't seen either of them for 3 or 4 years and rarely before that after the death of my uncle (their dad) about 8 or 9 years ago. I saw him on right when i got home today and thought i'd look in his profile before i'd talk to him. He signed off right when i opened his profile, so i didn't get a chance to talk to him for the first time in 3 or 4 years, but i looked around his profile. He has changed a lot. He used to be a really respectable, good student, good morals and everything, but now he drinks a lot and does drugs and stuff. Its really depressing seeing what has happened to him in the years that i haven't gotten to see him. He made some songs that talked about how he was already dead and stuff. And he just got off a 6 month probation. Wow...I never realized how much my uncles death truly affected him...i'm so depressed now. Gah, this sucks.
'What the shit-fuck' - Stupid chinese kid.
Proud owner of 2001-2002 Line 1260's
SkeeOrDie: I don't hate boarders, I hate fuckers, and 8-year olds that call everyone nigger face.
'Do you think people would make fun of me at Mt. Hood if I took snowlerblades there?' - Moron
Member of the 'lets help Sam loose some weight so he can possibly get a girl' Club.