"The saggy pants fad surfaced in jail, when juvenile offenders wore overly large prison garb that sagged, exposing their underwear. It later became a fashion statement among rappers and remains popular in urban communities across the country.
The fashion fad caused a backlash among adults who felt exposing one's boxers or thong was unfashionable and offensive. The result has been cities, like Riviera Beach, passing laws banning the practice. The city joins Opa-locka in Miami-Dade County and several Southern towns with "pull up your pants" laws. The Atlanta school district also has a similar measure.
Under the law, anyone wearing saggy pants that expose underwear or skin is deemed a violator. The first offense carries a $150 fine or community service; a second offense prompts a $300 fine or more community service.
Habitual offenders, those with three or more violations, face a possible penalty of spending up to 60 days in jail."
Seriously JAIL!!